Horses on the Farm
Others on the Farm
The Truth About Horses
Around The Farm 2016

Photography is something I've always played around with. Starting back in the 1970's with a Polaroid Instant camera. It took decent, little, tiny, black/white photos. Then a Kodak Disc camera in the early 80's. Living in LA then, I took many grainy shots at the Rose Bowl Parade and the 1984 Olympics. I borrowed a 35 mm camera from a roommate, just for the Olympics. So a few years later I moved back to Colorado and bought a 35 mm Fuji, a point and shoot with weird "lenses" that clipped on. In the early 90's I bought a camera out of the Lowry Airman for $50. It's a 1970 Olmypus OM-1. SLR. What a great camera! Finally broke down and bought a digital camera in April 2007. It's a Canon EOS Rebel XTI, with a long lens. Really fun camera for an amateur like me.

I've photographed my animals and my surroundings, and friends and family and their animals for years. I've had compliments on my photos (of course, I don't show the really  bad ones) and I've had a few published in the print media.

See the  "IF Images" page for examples of my work. All photography on this site is my work as well, unless stated otherwise.

If you are interested in reasonably priced, quality digital photographs...taken at the show, or at your home or ranch, contact me. Phone 303.344.3940 or email info@illusionsfarm.com